Setup 1-wire Support by adding
. You can skip this step if it’s already present.sudo bash -c 'echo "dtoverlay=w1-gpio" >> /boot/config.txt'
Reboot to take effect.
to recognise the temperature-machine repository. To ensure the releases come from official, trusted sources, also add the repository key usingapt-key
.sudo bash -c 'echo "deb stable temperature-machine" >> /etc/apt/sources.list' sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys 00258F48226612AE
If your
file contains the following line, remove it. It was used by a previous version.deb ./"
If you’ve previously built from source, stop any running versions (not required for a fresh install).
cd ~/code/temperature-machine ./
You might also want to disable any previous automatic startup (if you built from source). Check the contents of
and remove the following line if it exists (you might
).su pi -c 'cd /home/pi/code/temperature-machine && ./ &'
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install temperature-machine
Decide if you will be running the temperature-machine as a server or client.
If you have a single machine, you want a server. If you already have a server running and want to monitor more rooms with more machines, add each of these as clients.
Run the following before you startup the temperature-machine for the first time.
temperature-machine --init
It will ask you to choose and create the configuration file as
. -
If you created a server configuration file above, update the default hosts.
The default configuration will list some default values for
, such as:hosts = ["garage", "lounge", "study"]
These are the machines you will be using in your final setup. Ensure these match the host names of each machine you plan to add. The values are used to initialise the RRD database on the server. If you need to change this later, you will have to delete the
file, losing historic data. It’s worth adding in some spares.After setting up the configuration, you can either restart the service manually (run
sudo systemctl restart temperature-machine
) or wait about a minute and it will restart automatically.If you had previously built from source and modified your
script. You can use the values here to populate your configuration. It would have includes the list of hosts after
command. -
Check the logs for activity (to check it’s all running ok)
cat ~/.temperature/temperature-machine.log
Try it out. Go to http://your_hostname:11900 from your favorite browser.
Run the apt-get update
command to update your Raspberry Pi’s package lists with the latest versions of software, then upgrade temperature-machine:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install --only-upgrade temperature-machine
Running as a Service
By default, the temperature-machine runs as a service in the background - it should be running as soon as you’ve installed it with apt-get
. It will start on boot and restart if it develops a problem. We use systemd
to achieve this.
You can list all the services with systemctl list-unit-files
and verify temperature-machine is enabled
. If it’s disabled, run sudo systemctl enable temperature-machine
to enable (and start) it.
Check the current status at any time with systemctl status temperature-machine
If you want to disable it running as a service, run sudo systemctl disable temperature-machine
and take a look at the section below to start manually.
If you want to stop the service temporally, use sudo systemctl stop temperature-machine
If there is a problem, the service will attempt to restart after 60 seconds. That means, if it can't start up (for example, becuase there are no sensors attached), it will keep trying until the problem is resolved.
Running Manually
Assuming it isn’t running already (stop it with sudo systemctl stop temperature-machine
), you can start it manually with the following (stopping with ctrl + c).
If you want to check the version you’re running (a good way to check it’s installed), try the following.
temperature-machine -- -v
You can also run man temperature-machine
to read about more options.
The log file can be found in ~/.temperature/temperature-machine.log
. The conventional /var/log/temperature-machine
is currently unused.